Research Reports and Evidence-Based Treatments in Psychology

Evidence-based treatments involve peer-reviewed treatments, which are supported by scientific evidence to guide healthcare practitioners in making informed decisions (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017). These treatments are backed up by scientific evidence, which involves extensive research to determine the best and most effective treatment approaches to specific healthcare issues. This is meant to improve the health outcomes in the delivery of healthcare services, which is one of the major goals in this industry (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017). Using evidence-based treatments will improve the effectiveness and safety of treatments, which will also avoid negative effects of poor treatment interventions.

This will also guide healthcare practitioners in the decision-making process, which has been associated with improved outcomes (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017). This paper will analyze how counselors can effectively utilize research in order to implement effective treatment decisions in the counseling profession.

How Qualitative and Quantitative Research Reports Guide the Decision-Making Process

Decision making in the counseling profession is important as this affects patients and the healthcare outcomes, which requires counselors to use evidence-based research to make effective decisions (Wisdom et al., 2012).

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This is because evidence-based research is backed up by scientific evidence, which makes it more reliable compared to other sources of information. Since improved patient outcomes is one of the major goals in healthcare, it is important for counselors to make the most effective and informed decisions (Wisdom et al., 2012). Qualitative and quantitative research reports provide important information, which can be used by healthcare practitioners in determining the most effective treatment intervention.

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Due to the complexity of making healthcare decisions and the increased uncertainty in the changing healthcare variables, it is important for healthcare practitioners and other stakeholders to use effective tools, which will improve their decision-making process (Wisdom et al., 2012). One of the effective tools is using qualitative and quantitative research reports, which have been indicated to improve the effectiveness of the decision-making process. Research information is categorized into two categories, which include qualitative and quantitative research information (Allen, Dorozenko, & Roberts, 2016).

Quantitative reports provide statistical information where else qualitative reports provide information on specific aspects which include the type of information collected, quality, and other dimensions of the healthcare aspect which cannot be measured using statistical data (Allen, Dorozenko, & Roberts, 2016). This addresses all other information related to a specific healthcare aspect, which may impact the decision-making process of counselors. These reports cover the different aspects of a healthcare aspect with qualitative factors, which include a SWOT analysis being taken into consideration (Allen, Dorozenko, & Roberts, 2016). These reports are meant to ensure that an in depth analysis is conducted which will help healthcare practitioners in the decision -making process. This will enable healthcare practitioners to understand all possible interventions and the merits of using specific interventions over other interventions (Allen, Dorozenko, & Roberts, 2016). If information is analyzed using one research method, some important aspects which may impact the decision-making process and ultimately the outcomes may be ignored. This may lead to the implementation of ineffective decisions negatively affecting the effectiveness of the decision-making process (Allen, Dorozenko, & Roberts, 2016).

The Key Characteristics of Effective Writing and Publication in Counseling and Psychological Research. How Do These Characteristics Guide The Decision-Making Processes

Effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research is important due to the nature of this profession. This is because this information is used in a sensitive area, which impacts the mental health of individuals (Wisdom et al., 2012). Psychological practitioners rely on this information in making important decisions, which impact other individuals. Ineffective writing may lead to poor decisions, which may affect the outcomes in this profession (Wisdom et al., 2012). This makes it important for researchers to adhere to some key characteristics of effective writing and publication of psychological research to improve the reliability of their information. Some of these characteristics include backing ideas with evidence, which is meant to support the claims in the research information (Wisdom et al., 2012). Writing should also be clear with sentences having a clear meaning to enable the users of the information to clearly understand the ideas in the publications. This is also because this information is meant to communicate ideas effectively to the users of this information (Wright, 2014). This will enable them to clearly understand any arguments and the analysis of any results. Research work should also be well organized and ideas presented in a smooth flow to avoid conflicting of ideas, which may cause confusion to the reader (Wright, 2014).

Considerations of the reader should also be done to prevent the use of any ambiguous words, which may need interpretation. This information should also be tailored to be used in the specific context, which it is intended to address (Wright, 2014). The reader is the user of the information, which makes it important to take much consideration of the reader. This can be achieved by sticking to the theme of the paper all through the different topics addressed as well as using less ambiguous language (Wright, 2014). These characteristics will enable the user to clearly understand any information provided in these publications as well as strictly adhere to the provided guidelines. The user will also rely on the provided information since the information is backed up by scientific evidence as well as a clear definition of ideas (Wright, 2014). Understanding the information is the first and most important step in the application of the information.

How Research Could Assist In the Treatment of a Specific Diagnosis

Research is important in addressing different diagnosis in the psychological profession, which is meant to improve the outcome of the treatment processes (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017). An example of a psychological diagnosis includes a mental disease where a patient has presenting symptoms of a psychological disorder. Research information can be used to conduct the right diagnosis to determine the specific psychological disorder (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017). This process will require the psychological practitioner to make important decisions in the testing and analysis of the results in order to determine the specific disorder. Research information may include different qualitative as well as quantitative data providing information on the different aspects, which are related to certain psychological disorders (Sheperis, Young, & Daniels, 2017).

Due to the difficulties experienced in carrying out an accurate diagnosis in mental issues, evidence-based research will play an important role in guiding a counselor in making an accurate diagnosis (Khoury, Langer, & Pagnini, 2014). This will also prevent the negative effects associated with an inaccurate diagnosis, which may affect the patient in different health aspects. An appropriate diagnosis will also guide the psychological practitioner in implementing the appropriate evidence-based treatment plan (Khoury, Langer, & Pagnini, 2014). This is an important process in the delivery of healthcare services as this impacts the healthcare outcomes. An accurate diagnosis can involve using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) which has been developed to help healthcare practitioners in conducting accurate diagnosis of mental issues (Khoury, Langer, & Pagnini, 2014). This is important since treatment depends on the type of mental condition present in a patient. Research will also enable a healthcare practitioner in clearly understanding different mental conditions (Khoury, Langer, & Pagnini, 2014). This will help the healthcare practitioner in gathering important information on the mental condition, which will guide the decision-making process. This is because certain mental conditions have similar symptoms, which may affect the decision-making process of healthcare practitioners if relying on personal knowledge or experience (Khoury, Langer, & Pagnini, 2014).


  1. Allen, P. J., Dorozenko, K. P., & Roberts, L. D. (2016). Difficult Decisions: A Qualitative Exploration of the Statistical Decision Making Process from the Perspectives of Psychology Students and Academics. Frontiers in psychology, 7, 188. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00188
  2. Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00602.
  3. Sheperis, C., Young, J., & Daniels, M. H. (2017). Counseling research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  4. Wisdom, J. P., Cavaleri, M. A., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Green, C. A. (2012). Methodological Reporting In Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Health Services Research Articles. Health services research, 47(2), 721-745.
  5. Wright, R. J. (2014). Research methods for counseling: An introduction. Los Angeles: SAGE.
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Research Reports and Evidence-Based Treatments in Psychology essay
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