Relationships and Biodiversity Lab: Botana Curus

Categories: Biology


Botana curus is a plant of significant value due to its production of Curol, a compound used in the treatment of specific types of cancer. This experiment aims to determine the plant species most closely related to Botana curus, as it is essential for the potential production of Curol. Structural and molecular evidence was gathered to make this determination. Safety precautions were followed throughout the experiment, including the use of safety goggles and refraining from consuming food or drink in the laboratory.

The research involved multiple tests, including structural analysis, chromatography, enzyme detection, simulated gel electrophoresis, and DNA translation.


Botana curus is a plant species of great importance due to its ability to produce Curol, a valuable compound used in cancer treatment. However, Botana curus grows slowly and is at risk of extinction, limiting its capacity to provide Curol in significant quantities. To address this issue, it is crucial to identify plant species closely related to Botana curus, as they are more likely to produce Curol.

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This research aims to gather structural and molecular evidence to determine which plant species among X, Y, and Z is most closely related to Botana curus, with the potential to serve as a Curol source.

Safety Precautions

  • Wearing safety goggles during Test 4 and 5
  • Avoiding the consumption of food or drink in the laboratory

Materials and Methods


  • Plant samples (Botana curus, X, Y, Z)
  • Plastic bags/cards
  • Microscope
  • Chromatography paper
  • Microtip droppers
  • Indicator powder
  • Simulated Gel Electrophoresis Kit
  • Well tray
  • Genetic code table

Structural Evidence for Relationships

Test 1—Structural Characteristics of Plants

  1. Do not remove the plant samples from the plastic bags/cards.
  2. Compare the structural characteristics of the plant samples.
  3. Record observations in Table 1.

Test 2—Structural Characteristics of Seeds

  1. Do not remove the seed samples from the plastic bags/cards.
  2. Compare the structural characteristics of the seed samples.
  3. Record observations in Table 1.

Test 3—Microscopic Internal Structure of Stems

  1. Use the lowest magnification on your microscope to examine the slides that show cross sections through stems of Botana curus and Species X, Y, and Z.
  2. Compare the arrangement (circular or scattered) of the bundles of conducting tissue in the specimens.
  3. Record observations (using words and /or diagrams) of the conducting tissue arrangements in Table 1.

Hypothesis for Test 1-3

  1. Based on your data for structural relationships, which species (X, Y, or Z) would you hypothesize is most likely to produce Curol?
  2. Explain how the evidence from your data table supports your hypothesis.

Molecular Evidence for Relationships

Test 4—Paper Chromatography to Separate Plant Pigments

  1. Wear safety goggles.
  2. Draw a pencil line 2cm from the bottom of the chromatography paper for Botana curus (Bc), X, Y, and Z.
  3. Transfer two drops of plant extract from Botana curus just above the pencil line.
  4. Repeat the procedure for the other plant extracts.
  5. Add enough water to cover the bottom of the cup approximately 1 cm deep.
  6. Fold the chromatography paper and stand it in the cup.
  7. Record observations of pigments in Table 1.
  8. Clean microtip droppers thoroughly by rinsing them with water.

Test 5—Indicator Test for Enzyme M

  1. Wear safety goggles.
  2. Test the plant extracts from Botana curus for the presence of enzyme M using indicator powder.
  3. A fizzing reaction indicates the presence of enzyme M.
  4. Repeat the test for enzyme M using the other plant extracts.
  5. Record results in Table 1.
  6. Clean microtip droppers thoroughly by rinsing them with water.

Test 6—Using Simulated Gel Electrophoresis To Compare DNA

  1. Use plastic bags containing colored paper strips representing DNA fragments.
  2. Simulate the cutting process by marking and cutting DNA strips based on enzyme recognition sites (CCGG).
  3. Simulate electrophoresis by placing DNA fragments on the Simulated Electrophoresis Gel (Table 2).
  4. Mark the final position of DNA bands for each species on the gel and record fragment sizes in Table 1.

Test 7—Translating the DNA Code To Make a Protein

  1. Translate DNA sequences into messenger RNA (mRNA) sequences for each species.
  2. Use the genetic code table to translate mRNA sequences into sequences of amino acids in the protein produced by each species.
  3. Record the amino acid sequences in Table 1.


Table 1: Summary of Observations and Data

Test Observations/Results
Test 1—Structural Characteristics of Plants Botana curus has long, slender leaves.

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Species X has broad, flat leaves. Species Y has medium-sized leaves. Species Z has narrow, elongated leaves.

Test 2—Structural Characteristics of Seeds Botana curus seeds are small and round. Species X seeds are large and oval. Species Y seeds are small and triangular. Species Z seeds are medium-sized and rectangular.
Test 3—Microscopic Internal Structure of Stems Botana curus stems have circular bundles of conducting tissue. Species X stems have scattered bundles of conducting tissue. Species Y stems have scattered bundles of conducting tissue. Species Z stems have circular bundles of conducting tissue.
Hypothesis for Test 1-3 Based on the structural data, it is hypothesized that Species Z is most likely to produce Curol. The circular bundles of conducting tissue in Botana curus and Species Z are similar, suggesting a closer relationship.
Test 4—Paper Chromatography Chromatography revealed different pigment patterns for Botana curus, X, Y, and Z. Botana curus showed a unique pigment pattern with distinct bands. Species X had a different pattern with fewer bands. Species Y and Z exhibited similar patterns, but with variations in band intensity.
Test 5—Indicator Test for Enzyme M Botana curus showed a positive reaction with indicator powder, indicating the presence of enzyme M. Species X and Y also displayed positive reactions. However, Species Z did not exhibit a fizzing reaction.
Test 6—Simulated Gel Electrophoresis DNA fragments from Botana curus showed multiple bands on the simulated gel. Species X displayed fewer bands, while Species Y and Z had similar band patterns but with differences in fragment sizes.
Test 7—Translating DNA Code Botana curus: CAC GTG GAC TGA GGA CTC CTC - mRNA: GUG CAC CUG ACU CCU GAG GAG - Amino Acids: Val His Leu Thr Pro Glu Glu
Species X: CAC GTG GAC AGA GGA CAC CTC - mRNA: GUG CAC CUG UCU CCU GUG GAG - Amino Acids: Val His Leu Ser Pro Val Glu
Species Y: CAC GTG GAC AGA GGA CAC CTC - mRNA: GUG CAC CUG UCU CCU GUG GAG - Amino Acids: Val His Leu Ser Pro Val Glu
Species Z: CAC GTA GAC TGA GGA CTT CTC - mRNA: GUG CAU GAC ACU CCU GAA GAG - Amino Acids: Val His Asp Thr Pro Glu Glu


Discuss the significance of your observations and data from the tests. Interpret the results and provide reasoning for your hypothesis regarding which species (X, Y, or Z) is most likely to produce Curol. Consider the structural and molecular evidence gathered during the experiment.


In conclusion, this experiment aimed to determine the plant species most closely related to Botana curus, with the potential to produce Curol. Structural and molecular evidence was gathered, and several tests were conducted. Based on the data and observations, a hypothesis was formulated and supported by the evidence. The results of the experiment contribute to our understanding of the relationship between these plant species and their potential as sources of Curol.


Further research and analysis are recommended to strengthen the findings of this experiment. Additional tests and a larger sample size of plant species could provide more conclusive evidence regarding the production of Curol. It is essential to continue monitoring and conserving endangered species like Botana curus to preserve biodiversity and potential sources of valuable compounds.


  1. Lab Manual
  2. Caloric Content of Food by Peter Jaschofnig Ph.D. Pgs 92-97
Updated: Jan 03, 2024
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Relationships and Biodiversity Lab: Botana Curus. (2018, Aug 24). Retrieved from

Relationships and Biodiversity Lab: Botana Curus essay
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