Chemistry Lab Report: Standardization of Acid and Bases through Titration

Categories: Chemistry


The laboratory method used in this experiment is titration, a fundamental technique in quantitative chemistry. Titration involves the controlled addition of a known solution (the titrant) to react with a solution of analyte until a chemical reaction is complete. This allows us to determine the concentration of the analyte accurately.

Experimental Procedure

In this experiment, we aimed to standardize a solution of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) using phenol red as the indicator. The following steps were performed:

  1. Weighed 25 cm3 of the unknown solution
  2. Titrated the solution with the standardized sulphuric acid until a color change occurred due to the indicator
  3. Recorded the initial and final burette readings

Experimental Data

We conducted the titration using the specified equipment.

The results of the titration are shown in the table below:

Initial Burette Reading (mL) Final Burette Reading (mL) Volume of Acid Used (mL)
10.2 28.6 18.4


In the discussion, we analyzed the data we measured during the titration. By using the formula for calculating molarity (M), which is M1V1 = M2V2, where M1 is the molarity of the standardized sulphuric acid, V1 is the volume of acid used in the titration, M2 is the molarity of the unknown solution, and V2 is the volume of the unknown solution taken, we calculated the molarity of the unknown solution:

M1V1 = M2V2

(0.1 M) * (18.4 mL) = M2 * (25 mL)

M2 = (0.1 M * 18.4 mL) / 25 mL

M2 = 0.0736 M

Therefore, the molarity of the unknown solution of sulphuric acid is approximately 0.0736 M.

Additionally, we assessed the precision and accuracy of our results by comparing our calculated molarity to the expected value.

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Any sources of error were discussed, such as instrumental errors, titration endpoint determination, and experimental conditions.


In conclusion, the standardization of sulphuric acid was successfully achieved through titration with phenol red as the indicator. The calculated molarity of the unknown solution is approximately 0.0736 M. This information is crucial for accurate chemical analysis and future experiments in quantitative chemistry.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Chemistry Lab Report: Standardization of Acid and Bases through Titration. (2016, Sep 26). Retrieved from

Chemistry Lab Report: Standardization of Acid and Bases through Titration essay
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