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Why is Orsino so willing to marry Viola?

Category: Literature

In the famous comedy by William Shakespeare, Orsino is so willing to marry Viola because he has developed a deep emotional connection with her throughout their interactions. Despite initially believing Viola to be a young man named Cesario, Orsino finds himself drawn to Viola's wit, intelligence, and charm. As they spend more time together, Orsino begins to feel a strong affection towards her, appreciating her understanding of his emotions and her ability to empathize with his struggles. When Viola's true identity is revealed, Orsino realizes that his feelings have transcended gender and is captivated by the woman she is. Recognizing the genuine connection they share, Orsino embraces the opportunity to marry Viola as it promises a future filled with love, companionship, and understanding.

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Why is Orsino so willing to marry Viola?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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