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Why is Newspeak so important?

Category: Literature

Newspeak, the fictional language invented by George Orwell in his novel "1984", is an integral part of the dystopian society created in the book. The language is designed to narrow the range of thought and expression to only those ideas and concepts deemed acceptable by the ruling party - the totalitarians of the story's setting. As a result, Newspeak is of utmost importance in Orwell's story, as it serves as a powerful tool for social control and manipulation. From a linguistic standpoint, Newspeak is significant as it is an artificial language constructed from English by the ruling party. Orwell's construction of the language is based on the principles of linguistic relativity, which suggest that the language one speaks shapes the way one thinks. By restricting the vocabulary, it narrows the range of one's thoughts.

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Why is Newspeak so important?. (2023, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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