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Why does Sir Andrew challenge Cesario to a duel?

Category: Literature

Sir Andrew challenges Cesario to a duel in William Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night" due to a combination of factors. Firstly, Sir Andrew believes that Cesario, who is actually Viola disguised as a man, has undermined his chances of winning the affections of Lady Olivia, whom they both desire. Sir Andrew sees Cesario as a rival suitor and feels threatened by his charm and wit. Additionally, Sir Andrew is goaded on by the conniving Sir Toby Belch, who sees the duel as a means of exploiting Sir Andrew's wealth and bringing entertainment to their otherwise mundane lives. The challenge is fueled by a mix of jealousy, pride, and manipulation, showcasing the complex interplay of emotions and motivations within the play.

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Why does Sir Andrew challenge Cesario to a duel?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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