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Why does Montag want to read books?

Category: Literature

In Fahrenheit 451, Montag wants to read books because he is disillusioned with the shallow and superficial nature of his society. In this dystopian world, books are banned and critical thinking is discouraged. However, Montag yearns for something more meaningful and authentic. He believes that books hold the knowledge, wisdom, and diverse perspectives that have been suppressed. Reading books is his way of seeking truth, exploring different ideas, and connecting with the depth of human experience that he feels is lacking in his conformist society. Through books, Montag hopes to find answers to his existential questions and ignite a spark of individuality and genuine human connection that has been extinguished by a culture obsessed with instant gratification and mindless entertainment.

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Why does Montag want to read books?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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