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How does Beatty learn about Montag’s book stash?

Category: Literature

Beatty, the captain of the fire department in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, learns about Montag’s book stash through a combination of intuition, observation, and deduction. The story is set in a dystopian future where books are banned, and firemen are tasked with burning any found in the hands of civilians. Montag is a fireman who secretly harbors a passion for books, and this eventually leads to his discovery of a stash of them in his home.Before Beatty learned about Montag’s book stash, he had begun to suspect Montag of having a rebellious streak. Montag’s behavior had been erratic and unpredictable, and he had shown signs of discontent with the society he lived in.

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How does Beatty learn about Montag’s book stash?. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from

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