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Why Does Katniss Kill Coin?

Category: Literature

Katniss kills Coin in the book "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins because she comes to believe that Coin, the leader of the rebellion, is just as power-hungry and ruthless as the oppressive Capitol she fought against. After the rebellion successfully topples the Capitol regime, Coin reveals her plan to establish a new Hunger Games using Capitol children as a means of maintaining control, which horrifies Katniss. Recognizing the potential for more suffering and manipulation under Coin's rule, Katniss chooses to eliminate Coin during the public execution of President Snow, believing that Coin's death would prevent another cycle of tyranny and oppression. This act also serves as a way for Katniss to assert her agency and ensure a more just future, ultimately solidifying her role as a symbol of resistance and change.

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Why Does Katniss Kill Coin?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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