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Why does Jane decline St John River’s marriage proposal?

Category: Literature

In Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre," the protagonist, Jane, is proposed to by her cousin St John River. However, she declines his offer of marriage. The reasons for this decision are multifaceted. Firstly, Jane's personal values and desires are in conflict with St John's. Throughout the novel, Jane has sought autonomy and self-expression, whereas St John's primary goal is to serve God through missionary work. Jane ultimately values emotional fulfillment and personal autonomy above her religious duty, while St John values societal expectations and religious service. Thus, their differing values create an imbalance in their potential partnership. Furthermore, Jane's lack of romantic attraction to St John also plays a role in her decision.

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Why does Jane decline St John River’s marriage proposal?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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