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Why Did Thomas Paine Question British Authority To Rule The Colonies In Common Sense?

Category: Literature

In "Common Sense," Thomas Paine questioned British authority to rule the colonies for several reasons. First and foremost, he argued that hereditary monarchy was an outdated and unjust form of government, asserting that all men are born equal and that no individual or family should possess the inherent right to rule over others. Paine also criticized the idea of the distant British Parliament making decisions for the American colonies without their direct representation, which he deemed a violation of their natural rights and a denial of their voice in shaping their own destiny. Moreover, he highlighted the economic burden imposed on the colonies by British policies and taxation, claiming that such practices were motivated by Britain's own interests rather than those of the colonists. Through his influential pamphlet, Paine effectively challenged the legitimacy of British rule and laid the groundwork for the American Revolution, ultimately inspiring many to seek independence and forge a new path for the burgeoning nation.

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Why Did Thomas Paine Question British Authority To Rule The Colonies In Common Sense?. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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