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Which of these modes of narration does Emily Brontë use in Wuthering Heights?

Category: Literature

Emily Brontë uses multiple narrators in Wuthering Heights, including Lockwood, Nelly Dean, and Mr. Lockwood. Lockwood, a tenant of Thrushcross Grange, is the primary narrator at the beginning and end of the novel, while Nelly Dean, a servant at both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, provides much of the backstory through her own perspective. Mr. Lockwood, a friend of Nelly's, also provides some narration from his point of view. The use of multiple narrators allows for different perspectives and interpretations of the events and characters in the novel. Therefore, Emily Brontë uses multiple narrators and frame narrative in Wuthering Heights.

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Which of these modes of narration does Emily Brontë use in Wuthering Heights?. (2023, Apr 15). Retrieved from

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