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What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?

Category: Literature

The answer to this question is "The gallows-maker, for his frame outlasts a thousand tenants." This is a quote from Act V, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," in which Hamlet and Horatio are observing a gravedigger at work in a cemetery. Hamlet asks the gravedigger who is responsible for building the graves, and the gravedigger replies that he is. The gravedigger's point is that death is the great equalizer and that all human creations and accomplishments are ultimately meaningless and temporary compared to the finality and universality of death. The quote is often cited as an example of the memento mori theme in literature and art, which reminds us of the inevitability and fragility of human life.

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What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?. (2023, Apr 25). Retrieved from

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