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What Is Brave New World About?

Category: Literature

Brave New World is a classic novel by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1932. The book is set in a futuristic society that's been genetically engineered to be perfect. There are no choices and no free will—everyone has been designed to fulfill their role in society: the Alphas are the leaders, Betas are the workers, Gammas are the technicians, Deltas are caretakers, and Epsilons just do whatever they're told to do.

The story follows John (also known as "the Savage"), who was born outside of this system and raised on an island where he was taught to respect freedom and choice. He eventually meets up with Lenina Crowne from the World State, who comes from a place where people can't imagine what it's like to live any other way than under constant surveillance by their superiors.

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