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What happened to Offred’s daughter?

Category: Literature

Offred's daughter's fate remains unknown throughout much of the novel, The Handmaid's Tale", by Margaret Atwood. The identity of Offred's daughter is never disclosed, nor is the location of her whereabouts. However, through various flashbacks and memories, it is revealed that Offred's daughter was taken from her during the early stages of the Republic of Gilead's takeover. It is important to note that the Republic of Gilead was an authoritarian regime that was established in response to a catastrophic decline in fertility rates, caused by pollution and disease. As a result, women were stripped of their rights and freedoms, forced into various roles based on their fertility status, and subjected to a strict moral code. In this context"

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What happened to Offred’s daughter?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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