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What does Odysseus do on the island of Cicones that best shows the trait of leadership?

Category: Literature

On the island of Cicones, Odysseus displays the trait of leadership by leading his men in battle against the Cicones. Despite winning the battle and plundering the city, Odysseus recognizes the danger of staying too long and urges his men to leave immediately. However, his men ignore his orders and remain on the island to celebrate their victory. This decision ultimately leads to a counter-attack by the Cicones, resulting in the loss of several of Odysseus' men. Odysseus' quick thinking and ability to make difficult decisions in the face of danger demonstrates his leadership qualities. He recognizes the importance of both victory and prudence, and puts the safety of his men above his own desire for glory.

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What does Odysseus do on the island of Cicones that best shows the trait of leadership?. (2023, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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