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In what ways is Heathcliff viewed as an outsider?

Category: Literature

In literature, Heathcliff is commonly viewed as an outsider due to his distinctive characteristics and unconventional nature that sets him apart from the dominant societal norms of his time. This is evident in Emily Bronte's classic novel, "Wuthering Heights", where Heathcliff's character is shown as an outsider in diverse aspects. Firstly, Heathcliff is an outsider due to his mysterious background and uncertain origins. He is a foundling who has no family, social status, or clear identity. His ethnic background and potential illegitimacy further enhance his outsider status within the highly classist and racist society he inhabits. This aspect of his character is further exacerbated by the fact that he resides in a predominantly white European society.

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In what ways is Heathcliff viewed as an outsider?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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