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In “Counterparts” why is Farrington unable to concentrate on his work?

Category: Literature

In "Counterparts," Farrington, a scrivener, is shown as a character struggling to maintain concentration on his work throughout the story. The protagonist's inability to concentrate is a significant component of the story's thematic and character development. As a result, the question of why Farrington is unable to concentrate on his work is of significant interest to literary scientists. One possible explanation for Farrington's inability to maintain focus on his work is related to his personal problems. Farrington's frustrations with his job, particularly his low-level position as a scrivener, leave him with feelings of inadequacy and anger. The protagonist hates the repetitiveness of his job and detests the bullying tactics of his bosses, contributing to his inability to perform normally.

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In “Counterparts” why is Farrington unable to concentrate on his work?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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