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How Many Chapters Is The Great Gatsby?

Category: Literature

The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a classic American novel that consists of nine chapters. Set in the 1920s during the Roaring Twenties, the story follows Jay Gatsby, a mysterious and wealthy man known for throwing lavish parties at his opulent mansion. Narrated by Nick Carraway, a young bond salesman and Gatsby's neighbor, the novel explores themes of wealth, love, and the American Dream. Gatsby's infatuation with Daisy Buchanan, a woman from his past who is now married to Tom Buchanan, drives the plot as Gatsby attempts to win her back. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald delves into the superficiality and decadence of the Jazz Age, exposing the darker side of the pursuit of wealth and the disillusionment of the American Dream.

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