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How Is The Pardoner Different From The Parson In The Canterbury Tales?

Category: Literature

In Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, the Pardoner and the Parson are two very different characters. The Pardoner is a corrupt and hypocritical church official who sells indulgences and preaches about the dangers of greed and materialism while indulging in those very vices himself. He is depicted as a greedy, manipulative, and deceitful character who uses his position in the church to exploit the fears and superstitions of the people. The Parson, on the other hand, is a model of Christian virtue and piety. He is a humble and sincere pastor who genuinely cares about the spiritual well-being of his congregation and practices what he preaches. Unlike the Pardoner, he is not interested in material wealth or personal gain and is committed to living a life of simplicity and devotion to God. The contrast between the Pardoner and the Parson highlights the corruption and hypocrisy of some members of the clergy

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How Is The Pardoner Different From The Parson In The Canterbury Tales?. (2023, Mar 10). Retrieved from

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