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Why are the characters in The Canterbury Tales going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury?

Category: Literature

In Geoffrey Chaucer's famous work, "The Canterbury Tales", the characters embark on a pilgrimage to Canterbury for various reasons. The act of pilgrimage was a common practice in medieval times, especially for those who sought spiritual advancement or penance for their sins. In this context, the pilgrimage to Canterbury is a symbolic journey that represents the characters' religious, societal, and personal aspirations.The pilgrimage to Canterbury serves as a backdrop for the narrative structure of the work. The characters in the story are on a journey, and as they travel, they share stories with each other to pass the time. This serves as a literary device used by Chaucer to create a multi-layered narrative of the tales. The characters' goal is to visit the grave of Saint Thomas Becket.

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Why are the characters in The Canterbury Tales going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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