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How does Siobhan help Christopher?

Category: Literature

Siobhan is a character in Mark Haddon's novel "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," and throughout the story, she plays an essential role in helping Christopher, the protagonist, navigate through the challenges he faces as a result of his autism spectrum disorder. Her help is multifaceted and can be divided into several key areas, including communication, emotional support, problem-solving, and friendship.One of the most notable ways in which Siobhan helps Christopher is by acting as a communication bridge between him and the rest of the world. As someone on the spectrum, Christopher struggles with interpreting and expressing social cues and emotions. Siobhan, as his teacher and friend, patiently helps him understand difficult concepts and emotions.

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How does Siobhan help Christopher?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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