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How does Lennie’s puppy die?

Category: Literature

Lennie's puppy, which was given to him by Slim, died in a tragic accident while Lennie was petting it. In John Steinbeck's novel Lennie, who has a childlike innocence and love for all animals, had been taking care of the puppy and had been playing with it in the barn. He was petting the puppy too hard and accidentally broke its neck, as he didn't realize his own strength. At first, Lennie thinks that the puppy is just sleeping or pretending, but soon realizes that it is dead. He becomes distraught and starts to panic, fearing that George will be angry with him and will not let him tend the rabbits on their future farm. Lennie tries to hide the dead puppy under some hay, but George finds this out.

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How does Lennie’s puppy die?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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