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Why does George kill Lennie?

Category: Literature

George kills Lennie out of a heartbreaking mix of compassion and necessity. Throughout John Steinbeck's novel "Of Mice and Men," George serves as Lennie's guardian and closest friend, understanding and caring for him despite his childlike innocence and uncontrollable physical strength. However, Lennie's well-intentioned actions have dire consequences, as he inadvertently causes the death of Curley's wife. Aware that Lennie's mental limitations make him susceptible to further harm and unable to comprehend the repercussions of his actions, George faces an agonizing decision. Ultimately, he chooses to end Lennie's life himself, granting him a final act of kindness and sparing him from a more brutal fate at the hands of others. It is a tragic act that weighs heavily on George, forever altering his own life and illuminating the unforgiving realities of a world that cannot accommodate Lennie's unique nature.

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