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How does Hester Prynne’s reputation change in the course of the novel?

Category: Literature

Hester Prynne’s reputation undergoes a great transformation over the course of the novel. In the beginning, Hester is introduced as a woman who has committed adultery and is being publicly punished for it. She is seen as a sinner and a social outcast by the Puritan community in which she lives. Her status as an unmarried mother further adds to the stigma surrounding her. As the novel progresses, Hester’s reputation begins to change. The scarlet letter, which she is forced to wear as a punishment, becomes a symbol of her strength and resilience. She begins to embrace her punishment and takes pride in being able to withstand the shame and judgment of her community.

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How does Hester Prynne’s reputation change in the course of the novel?. (2023, Jun 08). Retrieved from

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