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How do the duke and king work their Royal Nonesuch scam?

Category: Literature

The duke and king, characters from Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," execute their Royal Nonesuch scam by capitalizing on the gullibility and curiosity of the townspeople. First, they claim to be English actors and advertise a grand performance called the Royal Nonesuch, promising a unique and remarkable spectacle. Without revealing any details, they charge admission fees and build up anticipation within the community. However, when the night arrives, they cunningly stage an absurdly farcical and nonsensical show, deliberately deceiving and disappointing the audience. Despite the obvious fraud, the townspeople are too embarrassed to admit they were tricked and choose to silently bear their losses. The duke and king, exploiting human nature's inclination to save face and the fear of public humiliation, exploit their vulnerability for their own gain, reinforcing the theme of deception and the folly of mob mentality within the novel.

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How do the duke and king work their Royal Nonesuch scam?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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