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How do Mustapha Bernard and Helmholtz depart from the norms of the World State?

Category: Literature

In Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel "Brave New World," the characters Mustapha Bernard and Helmholtz are two individuals who, to varying degrees, depart from the norms of the World State. These two characters demonstrate a level of individualism and free will that is not typically accepted in the sterilized and controlled society of the World State.Mustapha Bernard, for example, is the Controller of Western Europe and one of the most powerful figures in the World State. Despite his position, however, he has a cynical and critical view of the society he helps to oversee. Unlike his fellow Controllers who blindly follow the rules of the state, Mustapha is able to see the flaws and limitations of the World State's policy.

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How do Mustapha Bernard and Helmholtz depart from the norms of the World State?. (2023, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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