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Does Othello die?

Category: Literature

Yes, Othello dies in William Shakespeare's play "Othello." His death is a tragic outcome driven by a combination of jealousy, manipulation, and internal conflict. Iago, a cunning and deceitful character, manipulates Othello into believing that his wife, Desdemona, is unfaithful to him. Consumed by jealousy and rage, Othello confronts Desdemona and, despite her protests of innocence, he strangles her in a fit of passion. After realizing that he has been deceived by Iago and that Desdemona was innocent, Othello is overwhelmed with guilt and grief. Unable to bear the weight of his actions, he takes his own life by stabbing himself. The play's tragic ending serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of jealousy and the consequences of succumbing to base emotions.

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