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Does Frankenstein Learn From His Mistake In Creating The Monster?

Category: Literature

Frankenstein, also known as Victor Frankenstein, is the protagonist of Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein". He is a young, ambitious scientist who creates a monstrous, sapient creature in the laboratory, using different parts of human corpses. The monster later becomes a source of regret, horror, and guilt for Frankenstein, and he eventually realizes his mistake. Initially, Frankenstein is obsessed with creating the monster, believing that he can conquer death and bring something new, beautiful, and powerful into the world. He spends months, and later years, working on the project, neglecting his health, relationships, and sanity. However, when the monster comes to life, Frankenstein is repulsed by its appearance, and he abandons it.

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Does Frankenstein Learn From His Mistake In Creating The Monster?. (2023, May 29). Retrieved from

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