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According to Van Helsing’s instructions how can a vampire be defeated?

Category: Literature

According to Van Helsing's instructions from Dracula, a vampire can be defeated through a combination of specific rituals and physical means. Firstly, during daylight hours, a wooden stake must be driven through the vampire's heart while reciting sacred words or prayers. Secondly, the vampire's head must be completely severed from its body to ensure its demise. Additionally, holy water and religious artifacts, such as crosses and consecrated symbols, should be used to weaken and ward off the vampire's powers. It is crucial to avoid any direct eye contact with the vampire, as their gaze can control and mesmerize victims. Following these guidelines, one can effectively counter and ultimately defeat the formidable forces of the undead.

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According to Van Helsing’s instructions how can a vampire be defeated?. (2023, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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