Poulty production and marketing project in Turkana county

Categories: ChickenFarm

This is a poultry project specifically designed for both egg and meat production. It is planned to start with 2000 birds. The Total project cost for the poultry project alone shall be Ksh 900,000 broken down as; Ksh 300,000 for construction, Ksh 600,000 for purchase of the chicks, poultry feeds, vaccines and drugs and other poultry accessories for 18 months. For capacity building, water and electric installation, administrative costs and labor cost for 18 months. 80% production shall It is assumed that only be realized, which means 6400 trays of eggs shall be realized per month for 12 months on average.

The primary customers for the eggs shall be egg traders within Turkana municipalty. The minor customers shall be the egg venders who usually boil 10 to 15 trays of eggs and vend it at pubs, market places and streets.

In order to realize the above results, the following main activities must be implemented:

  1. Contract the services of a builder to construct a chicken house
  2. Procure and rear chickens to lay eggs to be sold for consumption
  3. Continuously monitor and evaluate activities to ensure objectives are met

If these activities are implemented, it will create a great impact in the lives of the project beneficiaries.

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In the first place, the the project will create employment for at least 30 youngsters currently not employed in any productive venture.

Turkana county Government is dedicated to promoting educational and health programmes for the youths in total dire need. It also seeks to facilitate the youths to initiate create income generating projects, and as we all as creating development initiatives to employ them.

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It started its operations to respondents to the needs of OVC and Youths who were destitute because of the AIDS epidemic. We have currently identified a total of 500 youths and children in total dire need. At the present moment we have 500 children (220 boys and 280 girls) with ages ranging from 1 month to 21 years.

We consultatively came up with the poultry project as income generating project as supplementary sources of income to Turkana residents, the organization seeks to provide income generation projects for the youth, giving them an alternate way to support themselves and their dependents.

To improve the lifestyle of Turkana residents by poulty farming.

Mission statement/Goal: Its mission is to promote an environment in which Turkana residents are cared for, supported, bodily, mentally, socially, and with an emphasis on education, nutrition and social support to facilitate a meaningful life.

Overall Goal

To increase the sustainability of Turkana county government organization to continuously support its mission, promoting educational and health programmes to OVC and youths. Specific Objectives

  1. To establish a business, raising and selling chickens and eggs(poultry products ) and use its profits to help support the activities of Turkana county government organization
  2. To improve the economic welfare of the OVC and the Youths employing them to run and support the ‘poultry farming project’.
  3. To train the Youths and the OVC who have no opportunities to continue for secondary education in business and management so that they may successfully support their needs.

Overall Goal

To increase the sustainability of Turkana county gevernment organization to continuously support its mission, promoting educational and health programmes to OVC and youths.

Specific Objectives

  1. To establish a business, raising and selling chickens and eggs(poultry products ) and use its profits to help support the activities of Turkana county government organisation
  2. To improve the economic welfare of the OVC and the Youths employing them to run and support the ‘poultry farming project’.
  3. To train the Youths and the OVC who have no opportunities to continue for secondary education in business and management so that they may successfully support their needs.


  1. Procure materials for constructing a permanent poultry house with favorable conditions for raising chickens and eggs
  2. Contract builders to build a structure ( poultry house) for raising chickens and eggs
  3. Contract the services needed for the installation of electricity
  4. Contract the services needed to install a water system
  5. Procure 2000 chicks and the necessary food and supplies needed to support them
  6. Recruit and hire the agriculture extension officer to provide veterinary services to layer birds and to support the needs of the project
  7. Train selected the Youth, with the help of partner organizations, in business, management and poultry farming

Justification of the project

The project is a three-fold strategy:

  1. In that it seeks to create a viable income generation project.
  2. Project seeks to create employment opportunities to some of the youth.
  3. The project will produce poultry products for sale and the proceeds will not only assist the organization to meet the basic necessities of life for the OVCs such as medical care and scholastic materials

Project Expected Results

  1. In the first year, the project will have 2000 laying hens that will produce eggs for sale
  2. At the end of the first year, the project will earn Ksh 120,000 from the sale of eggs to be used to assist in the costs of sustaining the project
  3. At the end of the second year, the project will earn Ksh 600,000 from the sale of eggs, enabling it to sustain itself and see a profit

Management and implementation of the project agency capacity:

The organization has the capacity to run the proposed project effectively. In the first place, it has some experience in poultry keeping, and it can collaborate with the district agricultural officer to conduct more training to its staff so that they gain more skills and knowledge on how to rear chickens on a large scale. The organization has areas which can be located for poultry keeping and where it will plant maize for the chickens.


The project will be executed by the organization. However, it will set up a separate project committee which will be responsible for the day to day coordination and implementation of the project activities. It will also be responsible for planning, supervising, monitoring and reviewing all project activities.

Implementation of the project activities will call for close collaboration with a wide range of partners such as potential buyers of poultry products, sellers of animal feeds, District agricultural department, and the project funders. This will enhance the opportunities for the realization of the broad goals and objectives of this project.

Monitoring and evaluation

General Monitoring and evaluation will be an on going activity throughout the project life

The poultry budget

Item quantity unit cost(ksh) total cost

  1. Chickens 2000 Ksh100 CHICKS Ksh 200,000
  2. Fowl run (construction)
  3. Purchasing blocks 10,000 Ksh100 Ksh 1,000,000

    Purchasing sand 10 trip Ksh18,750 Ksh 187,500

    Purchasing cement 100 bags Ksh 600 Ksh 60,000

    Purchasing corrugated iron sheets 20 bandles Ksh1500 Ksh 30,000

    Purchasing wood 400 Ksh 100 Ksh 40,000

    Labour charge Ksh 500each Ksh 200,000

  4. Chicken feeds :
  5. Chick mash 104 x 50 kgs Ksh 2870.40

    Growers mash 640 x 50 kgs Ksh 15 456.40

    Layers mash 480 x 50 kgs Ksh 12 144.40 Ksh 30471.2

  6. Vaccines ksh 5000
  7. Other expenses

Salaries for pogram coordinator 18 months Ksh 312.5 Ksh 5625

Salaries for project superviser 18 months Ksh 187.5 Ksh 3375

Chicken saver 2 person 18 months Ksh500 Ksh1000.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Poulty production and marketing project in Turkana county. (2024, Feb 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/poulty-production-and-marketing-project-in-turkana-county-essay

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