Political Polarization is a HUGE Threat

Categories: Politics

Political polarization is a HUGE threat

Polarization as a general definition is the political distance separating people but it can be broken down into two main points. The first is the platforms of competing parties to which these are opposed and the second is to evaluate each party's ideological agreements.

A study, by economists at Stanford, Brown, Chicago universities investigated the total sum of congressional reports going back to 1873. They made a model showing how simple it would be for someone to guess a speaker's political biases based on the words the speaker utilized in the first 60 seconds of the speech.

The result of the study showed that from the late 1800s until 1990, "partisanship was low and constant," according to the examination of congressional language. In recent years the political language has dramatically changed. "Beginning with the congressional election of 1994, partisanship turned sharply upward, with the likelihood of guessing correctly based on a one-minute speech climbing to eighty-three percent"

Politicians from all parts often complain regarding democracy's polarized condition, but citizens are the most affected by the polarized politics which also demand greater flexibility from both political sides.

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Yes, there is less polarization on specific subjects like abortion and LGBT rights but its not all sunshine and happiness, as a whole country itself we have been more polarized over time, some Americans believe that the barriers are especially vocalized and have increased the resentment from either side more prominently now than it has ever been.

Online settings will produce echo chambers and may work as in-depth polarization devices.

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They permit people to select their data sources and refine out difficult or unknown messages. there's a critical difference between prevention and cure. Increasing your media diet could help to limit group polarization, however, it may not reverse the polarization once it has already affected the person. The concern rests with people regarding political connections as group identities and their political parties as warring teams in a winner-take-all deathmatch.

With both parties currently vocalizing their radically opposed opinions to a far greater extent than previously. It seems like today's politicians are talking through one another, rather than to one another, it is probably because that's precisely what they're doing.

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

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