Exploring the Power of Books in Plato's Phaedrus

Categories: Phaedrus Socrates

Of all the dialogues of Plato, this has got to be one of the most impressive of all. A display of conversations that did not rely on just mediocre questioning and explanation about a single topic. Walking around the country and providing conversations on just about whatever happens to them, the Phaedrus and Socrates walking conversation displays relevant matters and enlightening words.

Tackling the topic of love was the initial subject that the two had taken into consideration. Talking about philosophies of love and their own takes on how love is, Socrates and Phaedrus showcase their sides by explaining what love is to them.

Thus, this conversation about love ruled most of their walk. Along the way they tackled more enlightening matters The dialogue's last part tackles about writing books and its capabilities to impart goodness on a person. They explain their considerable thoughts on books.

In part 229c-230 b, Socrates reflects an affirmative belief on stories of myths such as the story of Bores and Orithyia.

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Socrates showcases his reasoning that he doesn't have enough time as well for himself to give explanation about such occurrence that happened in the place where the story was foretold thus he results to might as well be believing in it. He believes that skeptics don't have the luxury of time challenging and explaining the truth about other creatures, monsters and occurrences as well. Thus Socrates concludes that seeking out for truth with regards to said stories is ridiculous. He believes that even those people of science that tends to explain everything will also have such a difficult time on proving such claims and that there are more important matters other than challenging these stories.

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The conversational walk that Socrates and Phaedrus had in the dialogue displays amenable reasoning and provides ample knowledge upon readers.

Updated: Nov 20, 2023
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Exploring the Power of Books in Plato's Phaedrus. (2016, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/phaedrus-by-plato-essay

Exploring the Power of Books in Plato's Phaedrus essay
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