
Organizational behavior has to do with how organization executes its activities and responds to the stimulus from the environment it operates. Each organization has its peculiar way of behaving. Organizational behavior and corporate culture goes hand in hand. In addition, they are not static. The environment in which organization operates is very dynamic. The different environmental segments tend to influence how an organization modifies its behavior in meeting with the vicissitudes of the industrial trends.

Few Absolute in Organizational Behavior

Organizations posses few behaviors that are static, but subject to change.

Those behavior that are fixed would include honesty and fairness in dealing with customers, prudent response to customers, and building quality brand. On the other hand, the pattern of production, technology opted for, a policy framework and mission and corporate culture are subject to changes. Even the aforementioned more static behavior of an organization maybe affected during a period of extensive growth and consequences from rapid uncertainties.

Change in business management tend to make managers do things differently; whereby they are made awkward or uncomfortable as they struggle to eliminate the old pattern of doing things and learn a new one.

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As the environment changes, threats and opportunities are encountered. Some organizations respond to the changing environment by putting in place changes in their structure. These changes can affect the relationship between the firm and its environment (Armitage, 1992).

The challenge with managing change means the organization or its management would react to phenomenon that comes with the changes. According to Brown & Eisenhardt (1998, pg 4), managing change means reacting to it; it means for example, responding to a competitor’s product move with a better product, adjusting to a new government policy by creating a novel service that exploits the change, or meeting unexpected customers demands with an innovative repackaging of existing products.

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Also managing change entails anticipating changes, where there should be forecasted insight into what is likely to occur and then positioning the organization for this likely future occurrence.

The operation of a business organization is influenced by different dimension of environment segments in which it operates. This includes the social segment, economic segment, political segment, cultural segment, geographical segment technological segment and global segment. Each of these segments has its impact on business operations and the organization’s behavior when they are introduced or observed changes in the status quo of any of them. Just as quoted in Senior & Fleming (2006) “Change in organizations does not happen in a vacuum.”  The aforementioned segments in the environment in which organization operations are agents of change that affects their operations

 According to Peter (2005), the general environment is composed of segments, also the individual elements that are peculiar to the eternal environment of a firm. The external environmental variables that influences the operations and strategic management a firm includes the business opportunities available, threats to the firm’s effective operation, the level of competition within  the industry the firm operates in, and the mode of competitor analysis. To a significant extent, the ability of an organization to adapt adequately to the environment in which it operates would determine its success level.

Thus, in trying to adapt to these changes in the different environmental segments, an organization tends to alter its pattern of operating and behavior to suit with the demands of the present dictates from the industry and the environment.

For instance, an organization in the 1980s that operates all its word processing through manual typewriters, and have developed a training scheme for its clerical workers to be apt in the use of typewriter, but it tend to change this pattern of adopted behavior in the 21st century com

Conclusively, there are few behavior that is fixed for an organization. Those core behavior that underline the successful operation of an organization maybe sustained for a long period. However, environmental dynamics and consequences from uncertainties in the industry where the organization operate would affect its behavior. Thus,  it would be a pay off for an organization to make a balance with the environment segments it operate with its behavior, and lessen the rate of frequent behavioral change.


  • Armitage, Jack L. (1992), “Strategic management for Public Accounting (The  CPA Manager)”   The CPA Journal
  • Brown, S.L. & Eisenhardt, K.M. (1998), Competing on the Edge: Strategy as Structured Chaos. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.
  • Peter, J. Dowling, et al (2005), Strategic Management: Competition and Globalization (2nd Pacific Rim Edition)
Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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