Operations Management can be define

Operations Management can generally be defined as the sector dedicated to the processes and systems aimed at ensuring that all areas of the business operations are efficient and effective in satisfying the clients’ needs. In the case I have studied, the bank system seemed to have employed all the right operations management systems and processes; however, as normally quoted no system is perfect. Some of the system ‘flaws’ in the bank are comprehensively outlined, analyzed and detailed under all the answers to the questions below. 1.

What were the gaps between the customers’ expectations and perceptions in the process described? Every bank’s competitive niche is to tailor its products and services to the tune of every customer’s needs or at the least to the tailor their products to offer convenience to customers.

All product or service packages are tailored to make the customer feel that they’ve got convenience and value either financially or in the service they get from the bank.

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In some cases, like in any other business or organization or company, there are mistakes that happen.

Some mistakes, though, are caused when services rendered are not entirely in the control of the company or organization especially if some services are outsourced and offered by a contracted company. Though outsourcing some services may seen easy and as a cost cutting measure, if the services rendered by the contracted company are not up to par with the company’s standards, there may be underlying costs that may be incurred and these may cost the company its customers’ loyalty and in the end its customers as well.

In the case of the bank, there are noticeable gaps between the customers’ expectations and perceptions.

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Mainly any highly integral system would be one that finely integrates customer expectations and perceptions. Notable gaps in the case of the bank are outlines and discussed below. • The management team may have not taken into account the true needs of the customers. When the customers signed up for the personal banking consultant package, they needed convenience and easy access to the bank’s services.

The customers had not bothered to transfer their accounts from the south to the north, despite having moved there for six years. This spelt that they were not comfortable with the long processes of moving all the accounts and changing all the details, however, the bank did not seem to accurately take into account this need when they promised that all transfers would be easy to make though it in the end this was not the case.

• The bank did not seem to have a clear design and specification of the strategy it would use to ensure it delivered high quality service in all its departments. This was evident in the case where it seemed that when the customers called the consultant they were allocated for their personal banking. • Internal communication seems to pose a challenge to the bank. They needed to give the customers the best and convenient service they so much needed since they seemed to lead busy lives but it seemed that this had not been clearly communicated to all departments.

When the south west regional office started operating, all calls for the south were handled there. If the customers wanted to call their bank branch in the south from the north, they would have to deal with the inconvenience of having to use different number to call various people in various offices. • When processes and all systems are well coordinated and integrated, the customers do now feel neglected or now well catered for.

Successful integration can be seen as where, as Lovelock (1992) states, “every job, activity, department and function should be compatible and mutually reinforcing. ” Gronroos (1990) and Lovelock (1992) also emphasize that “customers must never feel ignored, unimportant or abandoned, for example, repeatedly sent from one department to another. ” In the case of the bank, the customers seemed to feel inadequately served by other department and they had to call Sue when they did not receive what was promised at the time it was promised to be delivered.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Operations Management can be define. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/operations-management-3-new-essay

Operations Management can be define essay
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