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The State of Oceania was a place where society was controlled by the government especially the lower class. Since the lower class didn't really have a life and weren't educated, the government knew it would be very easy to control them in three distinct but powerful ways. The Inner Party which is the government, controlled the people of Oceania by telescreens, doublethink, and propaganda. These three methods are so powerful in making the lower class believe that Oceania is at war with Eastasia.
Big Brother is the Inner Party leader and, Emmanuel Goldstein is the Enemy of the Party. The first and far most compelling method in controlling the people is the use of telescreens. They are screens placed in the walls of almost every building and Ministry in Oceania. You are constantly being watched and informed by what is happening outside of Oceania. They are used for showing the enemy Emmanuel Goldstein who is the principal figure on the daily Two Minute Hate.
The main focus of the telescreens is the image of Big Brother. Big Brother is always shown on the screen to make the people believe that Oceania is winning the war. Big Brother is the leader of the Inner Party, and Emmanuel Goldstein plays the role of keeping the citizens fearful that they might do or say, or even think, something harmful to the State and the Party. The telescreens attempt to control the intellect and emotions of its citizens.
The telescreens prove the emotional loyalty to Big Brother, who alone has the power to create and to destroy anyone he wants. The people know that every move they make is being constantly watched by the telesceens and if committing a thoughtcrime they will be punished immediately. "A new poster had suddenly appeared all over London. It had no caption, and represented simply the monstrous figure of a Eurasian soldier, three of four meters high striding forward with expressionless Mongolian face and enormous boots, a submachine gun pointed from his hip. From whatever angle you looked at the poster, the muzzle of the gun, magnified by the foreshortening seemed to be pointed straight at you. The thing had been plastered on every blank space on every wall, even outnumbering the portraits of Big Brother."1 The telescreens are such a power tool in controlling the people. What ever the Inner Party wants the people to see and believe can be easily placed on the telescreen and watched day after day. They can play with your minds and brainwash you before you realize it. The truth lies in the mind of every person and the telescreen is the best form of controlling the mind of every individual. The second method the Party uses to control the people of Oceania is Doublethink. Doublethink is a way of thinking in contradictory terms at the same time. Its purpose is to deny citizens of Oceania any possibility of questioning rapid and hypocritical chances in policy. It therefore gives the government the power of control the minds and thoughts of the people. Newspeak encourages and enforces doublethink. The purpose of it is to discard more and more words and meanings until rebellion is not possible because there is no word for it. To convince everyone in Oceania that war is the best state possible for them, the state developed the slogan WAR IS PEACE. Everyone sees the slogan as perfectly logical because they have become so conditioned to it. The next slogan FREEDOM IS SLAVERY makes the people think that deviation from orthodox thought and expression enslaves the man who allows it. The people know how dangerous it is to question and learn. There the slogan IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH was developed. "It need hardly be said that the subtlest practitioners of doublethink are those who invented doublethink and know that it is a vast system of mental cheating. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth"2 The last method the Party used to control the people of Oceania is Propaganda. The ability to alter the past as it appears in newspapers and change it to what you want it to say today is a key method in controlling the minds of the people. the way that the propaganda is handled is so effective for the Party. What the party states as truth now has always been true and will be true forever. What it states as truth tomorrow has, likewise always been true and will always be true. Realizing intellectually that the people are being manipulated by the propaganda is such an excellent method against the people. Propaganda controls a person intellectually, physically, and emotionally. These people not only see to believe but believe to see. "The part starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, and every date has been altered. The process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. Reports and records of all kinds, of newspapers, books, pamphlets, films, sound tracks, and photographs all had to be rectified a lightening speed. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."3 Conclusion The ability to control the way people think is one of the biggest advantages you or a government could have over someone. Everything is done your way and not someone else's. To have control over someone you must change the way people think. These ways examined show us that it is possible and can be done to humans by three intelligent methods. The first is Telescreens, always showing who's in charge. The second is Doublethink, change the way people think physically, emotionally intellectually. And lastly propaganda, altering the past to make people believe everything they see and hear is true. With these tools you have the power to change any person you wish. Bibliography 1. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty Four. New York: Penguin Books, 1950 Footnotes: 2. Webcom, John Coles Notes. Toronto: Coles Publishing Company, 1995 1 Goorge Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950), p.123. 2 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950), p.177. 3 George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four (New York:Penguin Books Incorporated, 1950),p.128.
Nineteen Eighty Four Book Analysis. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from
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