My Transformative High School English Class Experience

Categories: English Language


My journey with the English language began in Beijing, where the exposure to English was limited. Growing up, encounters with foreigners were rare, and it wasn't until the age of ten that I even started learning English. Despite this, my interest in the language was lacking, leading to consistently poor grades in English throughout my earlier education. The turning point came after junior high when I made the life-altering decision to study abroad in America, recognizing the importance of immersing myself in the language.

With this decision, my anticipation for the senior high school English class was high, only to be met with unexpected challenges.

The Challenging Dynamics of the English Class

Upon entering high school, I encountered a unique set of challenges within the English class, primarily revolving around my teacher, Meng Ying. Admittedly, there were students who showed little interest in studying, but instead of inspiring and guiding them, she chose to distance herself from the entire class, including me.

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This unconventional approach, though initially disheartening, turned out to be a transformative experience.

While some students exhibited a lack of dedication, Meng Ying failed to take on the role of an enlightening mentor. Instead, she developed a disdain for those struggling students, ultimately deciding to distance herself from the class. Throughout the high school years, traditional teaching methods were seldom employed, leaving us with the responsibility of self-studying English. Initially, this left me dispirited, contemplating a school transfer due to the perceived impossibility of gaining knowledge under such circumstances.

However, as time progressed, I discovered that Meng Ying's unconventional teaching style had an unexpected benefit.

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The lack of direct guidance provided me with ample time to explore the vast realm of the English language independently. It was during this period that I delved into reading novels, with F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" becoming a personal favorite. In hindsight, I find myself expressing gratitude to my English teacher, for, in her unique way, she instilled in me a sense of independence that I had not possessed before.

The Unforeseen Independence and Growth

While Meng Ying's teaching methods may have deviated from the conventional, they inadvertently fostered an environment that encouraged self-discovery and personal growth. The initially disappointing lack of traditional instruction transformed into an opportunity for me to navigate the English language on my terms. I began to appreciate the freedom to explore literature independently, broadening my horizons beyond the confines of a structured curriculum.

As I delved into novels like "The Great Gatsby," I not only improved my language skills but also developed a profound love for literature. The self-directed nature of my English studies allowed me to cultivate critical thinking skills and analytical abilities. These skills proved invaluable not only in English but also in various other subjects, contributing to a holistic intellectual development.


In conclusion, my high school English class, led by Meng Ying, was a unique and challenging experience that ultimately shaped my perspective on language learning and personal growth. Despite the unconventional teaching methods and the initial disappointment, I emerged from the class with newfound independence, a deep appreciation for literature, and enhanced cognitive abilities. This journey, though unorthodox, proved instrumental in preparing me for the complexities of language and academia beyond high school.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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My Transformative High School English Class Experience. (2016, Mar 25). Retrieved from

My Transformative High School English Class Experience essay
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