My dad is my hero

A father is a person that everybody in the world should love. I love my father because he has taken care of me since I was born and not only did he take care of me but he also loved me, and protected me when I was little. And has helped me in everything I needed. Therefore my father is my hero.

I cannot remember a person in my life that had a more significant influence on me than my father.

My father has been the driving force behind my academic achievement. Everything I have been able to accomplish with regard to school, I have him to thank for.

Throughout my life, my father has been responsible, caring, strict in his guidelines, and yet understanding of the difficulty of being a teen. This behavior has, throughout my academic history, allowed me to grow and expand my future possibilities.

There are times when I speak to my father, and he simply dazzles me with his knowledge when I was just simply asking an easy question.

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But I like it that way because with that he explains to me a lot more I didn’t know about the question. And he also is a very good role model for any child and he has been my role model since the day I was born.

My father is a respected father and loved husband. My father also has given me all the right directions to believe in God. And therefore everything I have said is why I love, respect, and why he is very special to me.

Updated: Feb 02, 2023
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