Mr. Keating and His Interpretation of 'Carpe Diem' in 'Dead Poets Society'

In life, we can be lucky enough to be graced with people who can go along and touch our own lives in unexpected ways. In the movie "Dead Poets Society" this was the situation with Mr. Keating and the young men he taught at Welton Academy. By taking in the scenes of the movie, we can clearly see how vital the lessons were that Mr. Keating was teaching the boys. Mr. Keating was not a bad influence on the young men because he influenced them in expanding their minds.

When Mr. Keating strolled in on the first day of school you could see that he had a unique way of teaching. On the first day, Mr. Keating teaches them the phrase "Carpe Diem," which entails seizing the day and instructs them to live their lives and to be themselves. All the students at Welton Academy are influenced to maintain a basic, direct model of how to live their lives. They are relied upon to follow the rules, work hard, go to good colleges, find well-paid jobs, marry and have children, and in the end bring up these kids in a similar way that they were raised themselves.

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Essentially, the young men were taught to think and act one way, but Mr. Keating gave them the valor to take risks and to think for themselves.

Other than Mr. Keating teaching the young men "Carpe Diem," he also instructed them to "walk their own way". One of the many important lessons that Mr.

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Keating instructed was to be an individual regardless of what any other person tells them. This occurred in one of the scenes where Mr. Keating took all of the students to the courtyard and instructed them to begin walking. The purpose of this lesson was to exhibit that in the wake of walking for a brief period, everybody began walking in a similar way. Mr. Keating needed to demonstrate to them that it is so hard to keep up with your own beliefs when every other person is doing something else than you. At that point, he instructed them all to walk their own particular way. Mr. Keating needed to demonstrate that they should do that throughout their everyday life. Regardless, Mr. Keating instructed them to always stick with their own beliefs, and keep up their independence regardless of what any individual may say, or instruct them to do.

The young men in Dead Poets Society are affected by "Carpe Diem" and seek after its significance of making the best of circumstances and making opportunities. Neil, for instance, represents Carpe Diem when he takes part in a play. He discovers his passion in theater and regardless of restriction to it, he seeks after his desire for acting. He took the inconvenience to restrict his dad's judgment for something he's passionate about. He seized the opportunity to seek after his desire when it was being questioned by his own father. Furthermore, Todd's bold gesture of his public decree of respect for Mr. Keating when Keating was at the end of his days at Welton. Mr. Keating was terminated from Welton Academy as we were blamed for provoking Neil's decision of committing suicide. Todd, who had taken an extraordinary impact from Mr. Keating's poetic lessons, was unhappy to see him terminated and accused of the death of Neil. Todd stood on top of his desk in front of his peers just before Mr. Keating left, saluted him with an "Oh Captain my captain" and in view of his braveness, his peers followed him. Todd seizing the chance to salute his influential teacher in his last seconds at Welton is an extraordinary case of the topic of Carpe Diem's significance in Dead Poets Society.

Mr. Keating was a good inspirational teacher because he drew out a sort of hunger for development and learning in his many students. Mr. Keating taught them to lead their own lives organized around their very own passions, disregarding what their parents and other Welton teachers said. He merely influenced his students to think for themselves and have a say in what they're passionate about rather than accommodate others. Mr. Keating gave them hope and confidence unlike their parents and the rest of the Welton staff who cared more about their success rather than their own free will to think for themselves.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Mr. Keating and His Interpretation of 'Carpe Diem' in 'Dead Poets Society'. (2024, Feb 07). Retrieved from

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