Mining Group Gold Process

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            In the present, organizational success is based on participative and collaborative team building among the engaged individuals. The ostensible continuous impulsion is the driver of success and ensures the establishment of team works within a group as well as adoption of strategies that are in line with a projects goals, objectives, mission and vision. In fact, teams of individuals in an organization have something that acts as the success motivator and the desire to achieve is instilled into them through the creation of significant meetings within the departments.

Some of the individuals for the very first time join as new group members while others joined earlier into high performance groups. All this happen along with the issues of proper planning and effective management is the issue of improvised work assemblages that indeed are placed together to accomplish some of the specific activities in the shortest way possible. Essentially, for the success of an organizational group, regular departmental meetings are normally called on for frequently on regular basis, either weekly or monthly (Whyte, 1997).

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The set expectations and perceptions that lead to the taking up and initiation of these meetings are that for success to be realized a common reached consensus must be undertaken. In this case, the Mining Group Gold method plays the most important role in facilitation of such meetings.

            The Mining Group Gold is a group process as well as a meeting management method that is build upon a sole purpose. That is, the process is based on influencing the collective wisdom, ideas and experience of each individual in a group in order to build on their abilities and improve on the overall meeting process as well as improving on the process of creating general organizational decisions (Cassidy & American Society for Training and Development, 1999).

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The method was developed in the year 1995. Nevertheless, the method was developed to assist individual teams and groups to maximize and capitalize on their joint effort in a decision-making event. The method is based on several steps that were developed in the 1995 by Kayser.

Kaysers’ Steps to Mining Group Gold

            In his creation of the Mining Group Gold an endeavor to facilitate effective meeting management, Kayser suggested that every meeting should start with a clear purpose or agenda for discussion. Kayser argued that every meeting has a purpose of either sharing some information or discussing an agenda. In other words, at this step entails the process of outlining the basic objectives and laying down the aims of the meeting prior to the allocation of responsibilities t be observed during the meetings course. The first step creates a foundation for the establishment of the second step. Most importantly, the second step is concerned with the predictable results of the meeting by the stakeholders in the meeting. Essentially, the desirable results are written down and serve as the guiding principles as well as the framework under which the meeting is controlled. Moreover, the third step is concerned with the allocation of responsibilities; that is the facilitator, the timekeeper, the overseer and the scribe. The individuals quoted above serve as the controllers of the meeting and are responsible with keeping the meeting’s agenda rolling (Whyte, 1997). In Mining Group Gold process, the fourth step is the step of setting of the agenda, which is a wide-ranging statement of the chief objectives of the meeting, and it is the step that connects the objectives of the meeting with the anticipatable results. The last and the most significant step is the step concerned with the organization and allotment of time for each agenda. Inherently, the Mining Group Gold is a process that is very effective for all and in all types of proceedings of a meeting. In fact, the process encourages efficient facilitation and management of meetings (Cassidy & ASTD, 1999).

Steps for dealing with emotions during meetings

            In the course of a meeting, there are well set steps that assist in dealing with emotions when meetings are in progress. The first step that plays a vital role is concerned with the creation of a moment of silence to create room for relaxation. During the moments of silence, individuals are given a chance to reflect on the probable consequences of letting such emotions control them hence cooling down to the positive extreme. The second step involves writing down the emotions in form of objectives because they can be used later to create teams empowerment foundation. The third step involves the facilitator whereby he or she asks every member to read out what they have written. The fourth and the last step is the step of mining of the supplementary information that arises from what has been written (Xerox Corporation, 1985). Lastly, the way forward is established to significantly improve teamwork hence empowering the group members alongside nurturing an effective communication.

My opinion

            In my own opinion, if the Mining group gold is effectively implemented, it will critically improve the welfare of the team members promoting team work as well as fostering empowerment and effective communication. This is because of the process’s ability to create like-mindedness and its nature of encouraging unity of direction. Finally, because the Mining Group Gold upholds objectivity by eliminating subjectivity it creates a collective purpose for any meeting session hence determining the outcomes. In conclusion, the Mining Group Gold is an effective method because it deals with expressive astuteness.


  1. Cassidy, M. F., & American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). (1999). Group decision-making. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training & Development.
  2. Whyte, W. F. (1997). Creative problem solving in the field: Reflections on a career. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
  3. Xerox Corporation., & Xerox Corporation. (1985). Mining group gold: A guide providing facilitation techniques, tips, checklists and guidesheets. Rochester, NY: Multinational Customer and Service Education.
Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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