Mi Ultimo Adios: Rizal's Patriotic Farewell

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Mi Ultimo Adios was the farewell poem of Rizal that originally had no title and was unsigned.

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This was believed as Rizal’s last will because he wrote it on the night before he was executed. Also through this poem, Rizal was giving his last message to his countrymen. For him, offering his life was the best way he could show his love for the country.

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Even he was going to die, he was not resentful instead he challenged the each of the Filipinos to serve and love our country.

However he was also hopeful that his death would serve as inspiration to everyone. He encouraged the youth to continue to dream and fulfill it. The poem 'My Last Farewell' was Jose Rizal's patriotic goodbyes, first to his country, his family and above all to his Heavenly Father. To his country he said, 'With gladness do I give you my life.' He tried to comfort his parents and dear ones with these lines: 'I'll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen; where faith does not kill and where God alone does reign.' The last line of the poem says: 'To die is to rest.'

Mi Ultimo Adios was the farewell poem of Rizal that originally had no title and was unsigned. This was believed as Rizal’s last will because he wrote it on the night before he was executed. Also through this poem, Rizal was giving his last message to his countrymen. For him, offering his life was the best way he could show his love for the country. Even he was going to die, he was not resentful instead he challenged the each of the Filipinos to serve and love our country. However he was also hopeful that his death would serve as inspiration to everyone. He encouraged the youth to continue to dream and fulfill it. The poem 'My Last Farewell' was Jose Rizal's patriotic goodbyes, first to his country, his family and above all to his Heavenly Father. To his country he said, 'With gladness do I give you my life.' He tried to comfort his parents and dear ones with these lines: 'I'll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen; where faith does not kill and where God alone does reign.' The last line of the poem says: 'To die is to rest.'



Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Mi Ultimo Adios: Rizal's Patriotic Farewell. (2016, Mar 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mi-ultimo-adios-poetry-essay

Mi Ultimo Adios: Rizal's Patriotic Farewell essay
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