Methods of promoting and protecting public health

Categories: Beverages

In September 2005, the Government received recommendations from the School Meals Review Panel (SMRP) on school lunches and on a number of wider issues concerning food in schools. These standards will apply to school lunches and other food provided in all local authority maintained schools in England. The Government endorses the recommendations of the SMRP on the nutritional standards that should apply to school lunches with some minor amendments. This means that there will be two sets of standards for school lunches: a.

Food-based, which will define the types of food that children and young people should be offered in a school lunch and their frequency; and b. Nutrient-based which will set out the proportion of nutrients that children and young people should receive from a school lunch. The Government has also decided that similar standards should apply to all school food other than lunches, as recommended by the School Food Trust. This means that: A. no confectionery will be sold in schools; B.

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no bagged savoury snacks other than nuts and seeds (without added salt or sugar) will be sold in schools; C. a variety of fruit and vegetables should be available in all school food outlets. This could include fresh, dried, frozen, canned or juiced varieties; D. children and young people must have easy access at all times to free, fresh drinking water in schools; E. the only other drinks available will be: i) Water (still or sparkling); ii) Milk (skimmed or semi-skimmed); iii) Pure fruit juices; iv) Yoghurt and milk drinks (with less than 5% added sugar); v) Drinks made from combinations of (i) to (iv) above; vi) Low calorie hot chocolate; vii) Tea; and viii) Coffee.

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In order to support schools, government bodies will work with schools that have moved or are moving to providing healthier food in vending machines and tuck-shop; and with industry players, to identify effective ways of making changes to provision and educating pupils about making healthier choices. Specific Protection-Immunisation All babies are born with a little natural immunity to disease, but immunisation can offer considerable additional protection against certain serious illnesses. Without immunisation, children are much more vulnerable to serious infections such as meningitis C and polio. Immunisation usually takes place when the baby is two months. This is when a baby's natural immunity to illness, obtained from the mother, begins to diminish. Having the immunisation, protects the baby from preventable diseases such as diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), pertussis (whooping cough),haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), polio, measles, meningococcal C conjugate (MenC), mumps and rubella. After a completed vaccination programme, the child should have lifelong protection against polio, probable lifelong protection against measles, mumps, rubella and meningitis C, at least ten years' protection against diphtheria and tetanus, and at least three against whooping cough. This is why the government sets immunisation targets for local health services to meet, so that if there're any below the set target, improvement can be made and a law enforced. ; BTEC National Health and Social Care Book 2 Environmental-Supply of safe water The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) was formed in 1990 to provide independent reassurance that water supplies in England and Wales are safe and drinking water quality is acceptable to consumers. The Inspectorate: * provides independent scrutiny of water company activities for companies supplying drinking water to consumers in England and Wales; * works with other stakeholders for the improvement of drinking water quality and to secure drinking water safety; * commissions research to build a sound evidence base on drinking water quality; * publishes data on drinking water quality in England and Wales. The regulatory framework for water supplies in England and Wales is set out in the Water Industry Act 1991 (WIA91). Under WIA91, the authorities responsible for regulating the quality of public supplies are the Secretary State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Welsh Assembly Government. However, the Chief Inspector of Drinking Water and Drinking Water Inspectorate are appointed under Section 86 of the WIA911 to act on their behalf. WIA91 defines the powers and duties of DWI as well as the duties of the water companies. In discharging its duties, DWI will have regard to ensure that the public health aspects of drinking water quality are not compromised and that public confidence in the quality of tap water not undermined. Read about irds Eye and the UK frozen food industry

Promote Products ; Service

1/ Introduction:
After the 3D movie hit of American film called "Avatar" released worldwide in 2009, a lot of movie theaters in the world also start the movie with this technology. In particular, a few years earlier, to require of consumers as well as improving the quality of service, there are lots of financiers have actually invested" 3D coffee". 3D Coffee is gradually becoming a movement entertainment healthy. It looks like a new air sneaked into the way of life of young people.

2/ Business concept:
* Produce a special coffee bar, where customers can enjoy good coffee cups and enjoy blockbuster films together. * Establishing a high-speed system of cordless for customers can access free. * This would be a perfect location for family or couple want to relax and talking.

3/ Requirements to be successful in your business:

* Area: The very first dining establishment ought to be located in a busy house to draw in a great deal of customers in Sydney. After the very first 3D restaurant prospers, there is more 3D coffee bar will be opened. When brand of shop was understood in a great deal of cities, we should get franchised and starting this business in other big cities.

* Pricing strategy: Provide customer a rate of product constant with cost rate. Organizing regular promotions to customers and discount unique days. * Quality method: maintaining and development the company production that has been consumed commonly in the consumer market in addition to improve the poor quality production. * Marketing and Promo strategy: To draw in customer's that 3D coffee shop would market through TV, radio, publication, Face book and internet. The shop ought to have advertising methods to customers through networking communities. Promotional activities for all products in some cases are showed such as discount rate activities, promotions and huge occasions to take on other shops as well as offer information about the restaurant to customers. * Customer support: Developing a professional personnels with greater obligation. They should be friendly and client with clients to make clients feeling comfy and enjoy their visit.

4/ Entrepreneurship:
* Style the shop: there are 3 floors.
+ The first floor: This floor for staff only, there are bar, toilet, etc. + The second floor: there is one large room with a capacity of 30 people, it can be used to organize offline, enjoy music Audiophile, Lossless lyrical, gentle, combined watch HD movie blockbuster.

+ The third floor: there are 10 rooms with 5 rooms for groups of friends, families can sit comfortably that have large screen (120 inch), large space, polite, audio system modernization and 5 rooms for couples, friends with private space, romantic, seat systems extremely relaxing. All rooms are equipped with HD projector - 3D and it can serve 3D movies with high quality. * Customer: The majority of the customers is young people who looking for new things and want to try the different feelings. In addition, this shop also serves international customers who want to find where they can have both their own space to watch movie, enjoy coffee and talk together, so that this is an ideal location.

5/ Business Objectives:

A/ The common purpose: Give to customers of all ages who need somewhere for entertainment, relaxation and enjoying favorite movies as well as where customers meet friends. Besides, this shop also serves customers who want to hold a birthday party for your friends, relatives, or want to date, say a marriage proposal, Events, etc. In general, this shop will help customer to reduce stress after a stressful working hours. B/ Shop business purpose:

* Bring large profits for the investors.
* Bring revenue to the country from tax
* The economic benefits contribute to the annual budget:
+ Income tax + Personal income tax.

* Create a professional image, reliable in the hearts of consumers.
* To satisfy the entertainment needs of the people, improve the spiritual life, help people to get fun time after hours for learning and work stress, contributing for the cultural life community and re-production labor.

6/ SWOT Analysis:
A/ Strength (S):
* Ample space, designing layout unique and beautiful, new furniture.
* Favorable location.
* Reasonable price.
* The management work capacity and determination.
* Services to provide good quality, high-speed transmission.
* The wifi internet service has high speed and easy to register multiple packages
Promotions. * Using modern machinery and professional.

B/ Weakness (W):
* The first capital investment is lacking.
* Don’t have patrons as well as reputable supplier for products in the starting days.
* The new shop establishment makes it difficult to attract new customers.
* Don’t have too much experience in business coffee 3D.

C/ Opportunities (O):
* Focus on potential clients: students, people with average incomes.
* There is good material.
* Opening more branch around the world or sell franchise for foreign companies. D/ Threats (T):
* Other local shops could try to adopt business idea in a short time.
* The large number of new shop that will be opened to competition.

7/ Financial, Legal, Marketing, Operational and Business viability:

* Financial:In order to this business succeed and develop which the company have to invest about $500,000. When business achieved and attract customers that will have grown steadily 5% each year in investment. Beside, business should hire accountants to prepare tax return, overt business activities to take care of business tax affairs.
* Legal:Business will hire lawyers to maintain activities and resolve with legal and procedure affairs.
* Marketing:Pay advertising company to create original Ads, flyers. At the same time, advertise through TV, radio, magazine, Face book and internetas well as developing logo and slogans.

* Operational: create a management reasonable system include supervisors, floor managers and leaders to manage staff shifts. All of them should be training and study a course about professional skills to service clients.
* Business viability: maintain activities and making a profit and increased steadily per year.

8/ Conclusion:
3D COFFEE'''' will provide a space, an suitable environment for many different demands of customers as well as creating healthy recreation and relax with some reasonable prices. When customers come to "Coffee 3D" that they will be integrated into the environment lively, friendly and everyone will be linked together easier. Furthermore, this shop will satisfy all the needs of the individual or collective by new services and so interesting. Through the analyse and present research information of project ''3D COFFEE''. We think this project will bring high economic efficiency and accordant with the needs of people as well as the general trend development of social especially young people.

9/ References:
* Principles of Marketing (26/09/2011) 5th edition, Person Australia.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Methods of promoting and protecting public health. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Methods of promoting and protecting public health essay
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