Overcoming Lifes Obstacles: A Journey to Triumph.


I1. Conquering Barriers reveals a journey of where an individual is dealing with major problems in life, and then finds methods to conquer their individual trials. (Thesis/Main concept) I2. Mahtab's Story, a novel by among Australia's best-loved children's authors - Libby Gleeson, is inspired by true events through the main character Mahtab and her household's experiences of Overcoming Obstacles. (Presenting your texts) I3. Mahtab's Story explores Overcoming Obstacles through the character's occasions, such as (1) Mahtab being responsible in taking care and safeguarding her more youthful siblings, (2) accepting their loss of valuables in order for Mahtab's household to travel to Australia and (3) being open to Australia's culture in their life.

(Arguments) BODY

Point= Example= Technique: Explanation=.

Conquering Barriers:.

Overcoming Challenges reveals a journey of where a person is dealing with severe difficulties in life, and then finds ways to overcome their individual trials. (Thesis) Mahtab being responsible in taking care and safeguarding her more youthful brother or sisters.

1. Subject Sentence: In Mahtab's Story, the primary character has the expectation of taking care and protecting her younger brother or sister which she.

Mahtab is a girl who has two younger brother or sisters, named Farhad and Soroya.

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It is her job to ensure that they are safe and amuse them. This is a big duty and expectation for a 12 years of ages girl. 'Mahtab cuddled her and said, 'daddy would never ever let anything bad occurred to you'. This is an example of direct speech where Mahtab measures up to her expectation as an older brother or sister by providing care and security for her sis.

2. Connect back to Intro/ essay question.

3. of leaving their loved ones and friends behind
4. Mahtab’s family were afraid of the Taliban and had fear in their country.

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They left in secret marking the beginning of their journey from Afghanistan and to Australia. (SECOND)

Overcoming Obstacles shows a journey of where an individual is facing serious difficulties in life, and then finds ways to overcome their personal trials. (Thesis) accepting their loss of belongings in order for Mahtab’s family to travel to Australia P Mahtab and her family were forced to give away almost everything they had with them in order to safely travel to Australia. ‘Mahtab slid the bracelet into her hand. ‘Give them this, Mum.’ She pressed the bracelet into her mother’s hand. T: Kinesthetic Imagery

E : This is an example of Overcoming Obstacles as Mahtab had volunteered to give up her beloved Grandmother’s bracelet in order to help her family travel overseas. (THIRD)

Topic Sentence:

P Mahtab and her family went to Australia knowing that they have to learn a new language, learn about their culture and to leave behind Afghanistan. Repetition is shown in ‘Stranger in a strange land. This is not my place. These are not my people.’ E – At first, Mahtab’s family thought that they will get the opportunity to have a better life and freedom. Overcoming Obstacles is seen as this quote accurately shows how Mahtab’s family escaped Afghanistan though they feel very sad, uncomfortable and unwelcome in Australia; instead of freedom, they are sent to a detention centre. Link back to question.


I1. Overcoming Obstacles shows a journey of where an individual is facing serious difficulties in life, and then finds ways to overcome their personal trials. Mahtab’s Story written by Libby Gleeson is based on by true events as the main character experiences of Overcoming Obstacles. Mahtab’s Story shows Overcoming Obstacles through events in the novel, such as Mahtab being responsible in taking care and protecting her younger siblings, accepting their loss of belongings in order for Mahtab’s family to travel to Australia and being open to Australia’s culture in their life. Mahtab and her family members had seriously faced a lot of difficult challenges throughout them travelling from Afghanistan to Australia without being seen by anyone. This Overcoming Obstacle of what Mahtab and her family faced like Losing everything they got, more expectation from Mahtab and moving to another country are very strong and amazingly accomplished.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Overcoming Lifes Obstacles: A Journey to Triumph.. (2016, Sep 15). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/mahtabs-story-essay

Overcoming Lifes Obstacles: A Journey to Triumph. essay
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