Macbeth Throughout the Novel: A Brave and Fearless Image

Categories: Macbeth

Macbeth throughout the novel portrayed a brave and fearless image. His constant boast about “being King” got to his conscience. The more he spoke freely of his power, the more conceited he tended to become. In Act V, Macbeth emphasizes his despair by his difference in his actions and articulation showing hopelessness, pride, and frustration compared to prior becoming king. To start, Macbeth is unreasonably eager and egotistical. His objectives and wants precede whatever else, and he will do anything it takes to accomplish them.

Toward the start of the play, when the witches speak to him on his three predictions, Macbeth wants to guarantee that they will plan out accordingly. Especially the one saying that he will be the ruler of Scotland. This propels him to need to get rid of whatever can hinder him, and leads him to outright tragedy. He murders King Duncan, which is the event that sparks the defeat of everything else in his life. Macbeth anticipates his disappointment that is to come when he says “I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition” He is roused by his aspiration, however going too quickly could prompt tragedy as it did.

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Since Macbeth has no more ethics, he can’t ever again have an independent perspective and is effortlessly influenced. He lets others control his life and choices. At the point when he listens to the predictions of the witches, he mentally lets them control his actions since he wants them to be true.

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When Macbeth hears that he can’t be killed by a “Man born of a woman” he takes it literally and he believes that one can kill him since every baby does in fact come from a woman. Only to find out the valiant Macduff was “gutted out” of his mother.

Macbeth alludes to his downfall to death saying he still wants to undergo a battle against Macduff, stating he’d rather “fight before kneeling and Malcolm’s feet.” Macbeth, although full of fear, portrays his overconfidence by putting up his pride even after knowing he will succumb to Macduff’s sword. If it were to be the same Macbeth from a previous Act such as Act II, Macbeth wouldn’t hesitate to surrender.

In comparison to his previous diction, Macbeth became a prideful, selfless, man. He spoke and acted with no care of anyone else’s life or health other than his. By disregarding his wife’s death as “She would’ve died someday anyway” we see how relentless he is. Macbeth emphasized his despair by his difference in his actions and articulation showing hopelessness, pride and frustration compared to prior becoming king.

Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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Macbeth Throughout the Novel: A Brave and Fearless Image. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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