Liver Enzyme Lab Report

Categories: Enzyme

What temperature does the enzyme really work correctly in? (Hypothesis) If the temperature is below 40 but above 20, then the liver will show bubbles. If the temperature level is raised higher than the maximum temperature level, then an extreme decline in enzyme activity would occur following by the fast denaturing of the enzyme, rendering it is permanently useless. Also about 37 ° C is body temperature.

The liver that was at 25 ° C had a substantial quantity of bubbles (a 4 on the scale) and the 0 ° C still had some bubbles but not as much (a 2 on the scale).

The boiled liver had no bubbles. My hypothesis was precise, because the two chillier livers revealed a response unlike the boiled liver. From observing the results, it can be seen that there is an optimum temperature that the catalase works most efficiently in, this appears to be around 40 ° C.

At what pH level with the enzyme have a favorable result? (Hypothesis) I forecast that the enzyme I use will work best at a specific pH, and at the opposing pH levels the enzyme will react insufficiently.

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All enzymes work their finest at a certain pH, so this enzyme will certainly have an ideal pH.

The neutral liver (pH 0) had no bubbles. The acid liver (pH 7) had a 3 which meant it was constant, and the base liver (pH 13) had a 4. The data kind of reflects the hypothesis but not really since the range was from about 7-13 that bubbles appeared. The cause of the anomalies could be, that at those stated pHs, the solutions are to acidity or alkalinity causing the enzyme to break down and become denatured.

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Regarding the quantity of my results I think that what I have obtained is not enough and more precise pHs could have been used. LAB 3:

Does the surface area of the liver affect the rate at which the reaction occurs? (Hypothesis) If the surface area of the substrate is affected, than the reaction rate will increase or decrease. The more surface area you have to volume ratio, the quicker the reaction. The ground liver produced more bubbles than the whole liver. 2 (whole) compared to 4 (ground). The data does support the hypothesis since the ground liver has a larger surface area and produced more bubbles.

Increasing the surface area of the substrate is similar to increasing the amount of substrate, and increasing the amount of substrate DOES increase enzyme activity. By grinding up the liver, you are producing small bits of liver and therefore have more surface area. Hence providing more surface area = more opportunities for the catalase to go to work.

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Liver Enzyme Lab Report. (2016, Apr 23). Retrieved from

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