Essays on The Prince

The Prince
Original title The Prince

Niccolo Machiavelli



Language Italian
Characters Niccolo Machiavelli, Lorenzo de' Medici, Giuliano de' Medici, Pope Leo X, Francesco Guicciardini, Jacopo Antiquari, Bernardo Rucellai, Piero Soderini, Niccolo Valori, Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici ...
Published 1532
ISBN 978-0-14-303469-3
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

About The Prince

Machiavelli wrote The Prince” to serve as a handbook for rulers. He was did not believe in ideal republics or imaginary utopias, as many political writers of his time did. “The Prince” explains how to acquire and maintain political power, how those in power should act, and the principles of princely government.Machiavelli was born into a Florentine noble family. He later became a diplomat and political advisor for the Medici family, rulers of Florence. In 1512, the Medici were overthrown, and Machiavelli was arrested and tortured. He was later exiled from Florence.”The Prince” was written during Machiavelli’s exile. It was first published in 1532, five years after his death.The book is dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici, the ruler of Florence at the time. In the dedication, Machiavelli praises Lorenzo for his political acumen and for his ability to maintain power.Machiavelli begins by stating that there are two types of governments: republics and principalities. He defines a republic as a government in which the people have some say in the decisions that are made. A principality, on the other hand, is a government in which one person has all the power.Machiavelli then goes on to say that there are two types of princely governments: hereditary and new. Hereditary princes are those who have inherited their position of power, while new princes are those who have seized power through their own efforts.Machiavelli argues that it is easier for a new prince to maintain power than it is for a hereditary prince. This is because the people are more likely to support a new prince who has taken power through his own merits, rather than someone who has simply inherited his position.The prince must also be careful to maintain the support of the nobility, as they can be a powerful force against him. He should also be careful not to be too generous, as this can make him appear weak.In order to maintain power, the prince must be willing to use force if necessary. He must also be willing to make decisions that may be unpopular, but are necessary for the good of the state.The prince must also be prepared to deal with difficult situations, such as natural disasters or foreign invasions.”The Prince” is an important work of political thought. It remains one of the most influential books on politics and government.”

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