Essays on Reagan Diaries

Reagan Diaries
Original title Reagan Diaries
Author Ronald Reagan

Non-fiction, Historical Book

Language English
Characters President Ronald Reagan, First Lady Nancy Reagan, White House Chief of Staff James Baker, White House Press Secretary Larry Speakes, White House Counselor Edwin Meese, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, White House Political Director Lyn Nofziger, White House Speechwriter Peggy Noonan, White House Aide Patrick Buchanan, White House Aide Merv Griffin ...
Published July 17, 2007
ISBN 978-1-4391-2799-2
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Reagan Diaries were written by former President Ronald Reagan during his two terms in office. The diaries provide a detailed, first-hand account of Reagan’s presidency, from his initial election in 1980 to his leaving office in 1989. They offer insight into Reagan’s thoughts and decisions on a wide range of issues, including the Cold War, the economy, and relations with Congress. The diaries also reveal Reagan’s deep personal faith and his close relationships with his wife, Nancy, and his children.

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