Essays on Parable of the Sower

Parable of the Sower
Original title Parable of the Sower
Author Octavia E Butler

Dystopian , Science Fiction

Language English
Characters Lauren Olamina, her father, her mother, her brother, her friends
Published 1993
ISBN 978-0-06-122425-8
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Parable of the Sower is a book about a young girl named Lauren who lives in a world that has been ravaged by climate change. Lauren’s parents are killed in a fire, and she is forced to fend for herself. Lauren meets a man named Obadiah, who tells her about a prophecy that says a messiah will come and save the world from destruction. Lauren sets out on a journey to find this messiah, and along the way, she discovers the truth about the prophecy and the world she lives in.

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