Essays on Mississippi Trial, 1955

Mississippi Trial, 1955
Original title Mississippi Trial, 1955
Author Chris Crowe
Genre Historical Fiction
Language English
Characters Davy Crockett, Judge Isaac C Parker, William Faulkner, LQC Lamar, James Meredith, Medgar Evers, Byron De La Beckwith, JW Milam, Roy Bryant, Sam Bowers ...
Published 2002
ISBN 9780807555196
Book Summary
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Table of Contents

The book, “Mississippi Trial, 1955” is set in the summer of 1955, and is about the murder of a 14 year old African American boy, Emmett Till. The book is told from the perspective of 16 year old white boy, Hank Deerfield, who is the cousin of Emmett Till. Hank is living in Mississippi at the time of the murder, and is struggling to come to terms with what happened. The book is a fictional account of the events leading up to the murder, and the trial that followed.

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