Essays on Lay that Trumpet in Our Hands

Lay that Trumpet in Our Hands
Original title Lay that Trumpet in Our Hands
Author Susan Carol McCarthy
Genre Historical Fiction
Language English
Characters Mrs Emma Gentry, Mr Henry Gentry, Mr John Gentry, Mrs Sarah Gentry, Mr William Gentry, Miss Liza Gentry, Mr Amos Hart, Mr Benjamin Hart, Mrs Hart, Mr Jacob Johnson ...
Published 2002, by Bantam Books
ISBN 9780553801699
Book Summary
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Table of Contents

“Lay that Trumpet in Our Hands” is a novel by Sharon Draper. The novel tells the story of two African American teenage girls in the early 1950s. One girl, Rachel, is a talented trumpet player who is trying to find her place in the world. The other girl, Melody, is a talented singer who is struggling to find her place in the world. The two girls become friends and help each other navigate the challenges of their lives.

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